We are very sorry that JAXA Qualified EEE Parts and Materials downloading service for particular information is temporarily limited due to the security review for certain information provided through this site. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and we will greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

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If you wish to view a restricted document, please apply from "application for restricted Information"
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Please apply for the documents by clearly listing the following information and make certain that you send it to the administrator of the Database from the registered email address.
1. Your (registered) name and affiliate (company)
2. Name AND number of the documents you wish to view
◆For QTS, "QTS number" AND "Doc name" in JAXA Qualification Test Specification (QTS) list should be provided.
・Example: "NASDA-QTS-1048A/101A" AND "Thermal Control Films for General Use, Detail Specification for"
◆For ADS, "Document number" AND "Part name" in JAXA Application Data Sheet (ADS) list should be provided.
・Example: "NASDA-ADS-2130/501-01" AND "Solar Cells, Compound Semiconductor, Triple-Junction"
Please email us at with the information above.
※ If you wish to view the older version of the documents, please specify the revision number also.
    If not specified, we will send you the latest version of the documents you request for.