For Restricted Information

This database contains technical information and data whose export or disclosure is restricted by the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law or by JAXA. Disclosure of those information and data requires review and authorization by JAXA.
If you need to access the restricted information or data, it is necessary to fill out the application form and e-mail to the address below.
As the application serves as a pledge regarding the handling of data and information, a full understanding is required before sending an application.
Please note that exporting the restricted documents is subject to the restriction of Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act and export to certain destination countries may not be granted. (see for more info.)
Request for Restricted Information Form (download)   (WORD)   (PDF)
*Prohibitions (in random order)
- Recipient shall not disclose or distribute the restricted information to any third party without prior permission of JAXA.
- Recipient shall not leak the information, whether intentionally or inadvertently.
- Recipient shall not use the information for destructive activity, weapons or other military purposes.
- Recipient shall not violate the Japanese export control regulations and personal information protection law.
- Applications and inquiries -
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
    Safety and Mission Assurance Department
    Parts Program Group
[Handling of personal information]
Your personal information provided here will not be disclosed or provided to any third party unless it is required by law or is pertinent to judicial or governmental investigations or proceedings.
See JAXA Privacy Policy.